The Guadalupe Basin Coalition represents a coalition of proud Texas businesses, lake associations, chambers of commerce, and governmental entities representing counties along the Guadalupe River Basin. GBC is driven by a common concern for the economic and environmental sustainability of the Guadalupe River Basin and San Antonio Bay.

United in our conviction that the springs must continue to flow.

- Ryan Kelso
New Braunfels Utilities
Chair & Treasurer - Nathan Pence
Guadalupe Blanco River Authority
Vice Chair - Larry Schwab
Friends of Lake McQueeney
Greater New Braunfels Chamber of Commerce
Comal County
New Braunfels Utilities
City of New Braunfels
Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority
City of Victoria
City of San Marcos
Protect Lake Dunlap Association
Friends of Lake McQueeney
Upper Guadalupe River Authority
Canyon Regional Water Authority
Water Oriented Recreation District (WORD) of Comal
Guadalupe County
The Dow Chemical Company
Springs Hill Water Supply Corporation